Bruno Leonardo D´Aguiar Silva
- Lawyer graduated from the the Milton Campos School of Law.
Specialized in National and International Contracts, Corporate Law, Private International Law, Cyberlaw and Information Technology Law.
Legal consultant in nationalization / internationalization of companies. Legal support in Europe.
- Master in Internet Law at the Université de Paris V - René Descartes.
Specialist in Private International Law from the Université de Paris II - Pantheon-Assas.
- MBA ein Tax Law from the Getúlio Vargas Fundation.
- Member of the Order of Lawyers of Brazil.
- Member of the German-Brazilian Association of Jurists (DBJV - Deutsche-Brasilianische Juristen Verein).
- Member of the Berlin BAR – RAK-Berlin – as brazilian lawyer.
- Languages:Portuguese, English, French, German and Spanish.
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